10 Best House Plants
Okay, y’all, this is by far my favorite blog post YET. Literally, my fingers could not type this fast enough I was so excited to get this out to you guys! So, let’s not wast time and dive in shall we?
House plants are all the rave right now. They add color, texture, character and can take a room from normal to unique. All house plants require different care and that care ranges from easy to difficult. Now don’t be intimidated, new plant owners! I’m going to walk you through my top 10 house plants, their requirements and levels of care. So, keep your potting soil and gardening gloves close because here we go!
Top 10 House Plants
Fiddle Leaf Fig [personal fav] - Fiddles can be tricky, but only if you don’t know what they like! They like humidity and to be left alone most of the time. I give them a thorough watering every 10-15 days and spritz them with water every other day to give them the humidity they love. Keep these guys away from direct sun or their leaves will burn.
Monstera Deliciosa - This guy is easy peasy to take care of. Water thoroughly every 10-12 days. It likes sunshine in an indirect spot and will pretty much do its own thing. [babies sprout off of this plant like crazy when it’s thriving].
Pitcher Plant - A little more tricky, this plant loves humidity and medium light [I have mine in our bathroom]. On top of watering the plants soil you need to keep 1/2 inch of water in each pitcher…tedious, I know, but SO worth the beauty of this stunner! Oh, it’s also carnivorous, so those house flies that are curious and fly into the pitcher…toast.
Red Maranta Prayer Plant - I cant get enough of this beautifully stripped plant! It’s leaves fold together at night [resembling praying hands] and lay down during the day. I water mine once every 3-4 days. Basically just keep its soil moist and in view of indirect sun and this guy will thrive!
Air Plant - Easiest plant of all. This plant lives without soil and very little water. I spritz mine with water during the morning and it dries during the day. Occasionally [if I think it needs it], I will soak it in water for 5 minutes and then lay it out in a warm, sunny spot for it to dry just to give it a boost.
Golden Pothos - Another house plant who likes to do its own thing. Other than occasional watering every other week, this guys sits happily in his pot soaking in sunshine.
Canna Lily - This plant puts on a stunning display when it flowers! They do very well outside but I love to have mine inside too! I keep the soil moist and in a room that has indirect sun all day long.
Snake Plant - I know I sound repetitive but this plant likes to be left alone. I water mine thoroughly once a month and then leave it be. This guy does well in indirect sun or low light areas.
Monstera Adansonii [Swiss Cheese plant] - Water and light are on this plants favorite list! I water mine once a week and keep it in a bright, warm spot. It has so many babies sprouting and I’m so excited!
Aloe Vera - A classic. It is cactus like in the fact that it doesn’t need a whole lot of water, probably about once a month. I keep it in a well lit spot and it’s doing great! This plant is also awesome for purifying your air and helping soothe burns, cuts and insect bites [only if you have the medicinal aloe. Look for the green cross label for this kind!]
And that’s the dirt on my top 10 house plants! [catch the pun?] The tip I give everyone who asks me about plant care is to just relax and have fun with them! Watch them everyday and you’ll be able to see what they need. Wilting? Give them some water! Crunchy, brown leaves? Move them out of the harsh sun. House plants are such a great way to let your personality shine through and brighten up your space! Okay, okay, I know you’re trying to walk out the door to dash to your local plant nursery, so I’ll say good bye for now and happy planting you guys!
Cheering you on,
this little house wife,
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Monstera Deliciosa
Pitcher Plant
Red Maranta Prayer Plant
Air Plant
Golden Pothos
Canna Lily
Snake Plant
Monstera Adansonii
Aloe Vera [medicinal]