Look at You Grow
Quarantine life is strange. When all of this first started, I refused to do anything remotely productive. I didn’t want to acknowledge the reality of not being able to gather with friends, hug my family or just live our everyday normal life. But I began to realize that while this situation isn’t ideal I will never be able to get this time back. Never. Did I really want to look back on this time and tell my kids that I DELIBERATELY did not learn new things while stuck inside? That I chose not to be inspired or motivated? That I stopped seeking and creating and growing just because life got weird for a bit? That was my turning point and also where my green thumb came in to play.
I have poured my fascination into gardening and propagation (growing new plants out of existing ones). Is anyone else completely smitten and inspired by plants?! I am hooked. I love watching new buds bloom and seeing how they add such vibrancy to a room. I wanted a lavish garden and more house plants than I could count, but, hey, this is quarantine and I didn’t want to go spend a fortune. So, I got crafty. Grab your gardening gloves and let’s jump into my “Look at You Grow” tips!
Look at You Grow
Seed Packets: If you are wanting to start a garden but are on a quarantine budget like I am look into buying seed packets! They are cheaper than already developed plants, and, while they do take more time and care in the beginning, they are SUCH a joy to watch grow from cutie little sprouts into ready to harvest fruits and veggies.
Propagation: If you have one or two house plants and would like to fill your home with more or even give them as whimsical gifts look into propagation. I have propagated our succulents, snake plant, aloe vera, monstera, a magnolia tree (A TREE YA’LL..I am so excited) and pothos and they are THRIVING as well as filling our home with beautiful green life. The two most common propagation methods are by putting the cuttings directly in soil after dipping them in rooting hormone or letting them root on their own just by placing them in water and a warm spot (this one takes the longest but it’s fun to watch the roots slowly branch out).
Kitchen Scraps: Okay, guys, this tip is my favorite…reuse your kitchen scraps to grow a fully sustainable and CHEAP garden. I have been doing this for 2 months and am beyond thrilled with the results! We now harvest green onions from our garden that once were just cut up scraps. All you do is cut about an inch and a half off of the bottom of the onion, stick them in water and wait for the green stem to begin growing out of the top. Once it’s growing it’s ready to go into soil and TA-DA check “add green onions” off of your garden to do list.
Transplant: Do you love wild flowers? Josh and I had wildflowers growing in the empty lot next door. Daffodils, bluejackets and scarlett pimpernels were EVERYWHERE, ya’ll. Since they were about to bulldoze over them to lay the new lot foundation, I decided to try and save them. I pulled up as many as I could, keeping the roots intact, planted them in our backyard and hoped for the best. After about a week of adjusting from the transplant they made a come back! We now have wildflowers dancing in our backyard and at no cost.
Pantry Germination: Eat fruit? Great! Grow your own orchard from your pantry! Take out the seeds next time you cut into an apple or a lemon, lay them onto a damp paper towel and seal them into a ziplock bag. Place the bag in a dark, warm place (cardboard box in the pantry is where I keep mine) and wait a week or 2. The seeds will sprout and can then be placed in soil! Water daily and soon you will have a baby lemon tree growing in your window sill. I did this about 2 months ago and we now have 3 lemon, 1 grapefruit and 2 apple trees growing in our dining room and I am giddy excited! EEK!
Well, there you have it folks! Map out the space for your garden, fill your windows will propagating plants and kitchen scraps and take joy as you watch them reach up towards the sky. I hope today you are inspired to learn. I hope today you are driven to create and experiment. I hope you dedicate today to breathing in fresh air, soaking in sunshine and growing right where you are. I am cheering you on, friend!
Growing with you,
this little house wife,
Kaleigh Castle
Our apple seeds have graduated from the pantry and are now ready for soil!